Julien Blanc, de menselijke pusbuil
Ik mag niet schelden van u, hè? Maar bekijk het bovenstaande filmpje en zeg me dan dat ‘datingexpert’ Julien Blanc géén pusbuil is. In de vierde minuut zie je hoe Blanc Japanse vrouwen ‘date‘: hij grijpt ze bij hun hoofd en dwingt ze naar zijn kruis. Volgens deze extreem onsmakelijke figuur kun je als ‘white male‘ alles maken in Tokio. Sterker nog: Blanc beweert dat er geen blanke man in Tokio is die het niet doet.
Blanc gaat binnenkort weer naar Tokio om de vrouwtjes daar te onderwerpen aan zijn onweerstaanbare charmes. Maar inmiddels is hij een beroemdheid in Japan, want daar hebben ze ook gewoon Internet, en wat blijkt? De meeste vrouwen zijn toch niet zo gecharmeerd van Blancs versiertechnieken.
Een zekere Msdoom99 heeft Blancs voorlichtingsfilmpje, voorzien van Japanse ondertiteling, op YouTube gezet en de man heeft nu zijn eigen hashtag op Twitter, ‘#Takedownjulienblanc‘.
Ik mag lijden dat meneer in een Japanse politiecel eindigt na zijn eerstvolgende Tokiose ‘date‘, want het is natuurlijk gewoon aanranding, dat-ie propageert, en ook in Japan hartstikke strafbaar. (PB)
Filmpjes, Japan, 03.11.2014 @ 20:07
16 Reacties
op 03 11 2014 at 23:08 schreef Haes:
Wat een ongelooflijke gore klootzak. Maakt misbruik van het feit dat Japanse vrouwen (en Japanners in het algemeen) te netjes zijn.
Protesteren tegen dit soort aanrandingen is niet de eerste impuls, maar dat betekent natuurlijk niet dat ze het leuk vinden, meneer Blanc.
op 04 11 2014 at 06:09 schreef Rhazes:
There’s apparently a whole ‘pick up artist’ community, judging from that video mostly consisting of angry, socially awkward white men, who are harassing women all over the place (recall that mentally unstable guy who shot some people at a Uni a while back because he hated women for ignoring him). The only people paying serious attention to this phenomenon are marginal bloggers.
Now, imagine if that community consisted of Muslims/blacks/other minorities. If you don’t think that story would be headline news on every mainstream and right-wing media outlets day in day out you’re deluding yourself. Geenstijl would have a permanent wet dream over it, but the above (white) guy mentioned here would probably be applauded by them.
op 04 11 2014 at 07:46 schreef Pickelhaube:
How can you see from their backs that they are angry and socially awkward, Rhazes and how do you even manage to play the black victim card on this one? Muslims wouldn’t attend such a meeting and I don’t believe it would make a lot of difference whether blacks or whites would have attended.
op 04 11 2014 at 07:52 schreef Peter:
I think Rhazes is spot on. If Julien Blanc would have been a Muslim or if his skin would be a little darker, he’d have been skewered.
Not only would GeenStijl have applauded him had they discovered him first, they already went way ahead of him:
op 04 11 2014 at 07:58 schreef Pickelhaube:
But muslim examples are there!
op 04 11 2014 at 08:03 schreef Peter:
We know. Everybody knows.
op 04 11 2014 at 08:25 schreef Pickelhaube:
To my mind, this is about heterosexual men in general, whatever race or creed they are from. And forasmuch it is about race, it’s about the sickening prejudice both black, and white men have about “obedient” Asian women. It made me think about Mojo. He would have loved to attend, I suppose.
But yeah, I agree that GeenStijl would have applauded this kind of crap.
op 04 11 2014 at 08:30 schreef Peter:
This is clearly about white men preying on the meek and obedient women they were taught in their orientalist schoolbooks and movies Asian women are supposed to be.
Julien Blanc is very clear on this: “As a white male, you can do anything you like in Tokyo”. Also: “When one white male sees another white male, they exchange that guilty look, like they’ve both fucked a hooker or something. Because every white man in Tokyo does this.”
op 04 11 2014 at 08:53 schreef Rhazes:
I inferred their anger (at women more generally, and Japanese/Asian women specifically) and social awkwardness by the fact that they’re attending a meeting of a disgusting misogynist giving them ‘pick up’ advice about how to ‘game women’, namely by assaulting them, and their laughing and clapping in response to it.
I believe that’s a fair assumption to make, for I believe a normal person who is not angry with women or socially awkward and respects women as equals would 1) not go to such a meeting in the first place, 2) would not applaud or encourage sexist speech, and maybe 3) would punch that guy in the face.
Of course if the video showed a gathering of brown, Muslim people with a guy talking about the same stuff, for example forcing women to wear burqas or justifying buying sex slaves, I assume (hopefully, anyway) you wouldn’t be as forceful in your call for nuance about the audience members; and that, in magnified form, was exactly what I was addressing.
op 04 11 2014 at 09:43 schreef Pickelhaube:
Yes, Rhazes, you are right, I was a little too trigger happy. You can certainly infer that, because guys who are secure about themselves wouldn’t attent such a meeting. But western whites and blacks were raised in the same set of cultural prejudices towards Asians and I actually met quite a few black guys with the exact same macho rapist attitudes. I wouldn’t base my conclusions about black guys on that though, don’t get me wrong.
And actually, I would be just as forceful in my call for nuance about the audience members in the examples you mentioned and have proven that many times over the years in my writing and my volunteer work for the anti racism information center. I take issue with that. Why do you assume that about me? I equally despise all races.
op 04 11 2014 at 10:36 schreef machiel:
From what I’ve seen, it’s pretty much the standard American high-school “dude” attitude, including that stupid “awesome” word. I am not saying sexist pricks don’t exist in other parts of the world, they’re everywhere of course, but this particular kind of “it’s the shit” “coolness”, without even a slight awkwardness about how wrong all of this is, looks very American to me.
op 04 11 2014 at 22:51 schreef Leo Schmit:
Wel aardig, maar niet interessant, bar gedrag, meisjes doen eraan mee. Kijk eerst maar even bij @chriscunnings als je wil weten wat het beestenwerk werkelijk inhoudt.
op 04 11 2014 at 23:19 schreef Peter:
Je bent een weerzinwekkende figuur, Leo. Echt. Die meisjes doen er niet aan mee. Ze worden gedwongen. Ze vinden het niet leuk.
op 05 11 2014 at 03:40 schreef Klaas Levelt:
In Melbourne is z’n ‘show’ net door de zaal gecanceld na protest. http://www.news.com.au/lifestyle/relationships/takedownjulienblanc-pick-up-artist-julien-blanc-faces-backlash/story-fnet0gly-1227112086958
op 20 11 2014 at 10:45 schreef Peter:
Opstelten en van der Laan: Rug recht houden OOK een sexguru mag vrijuit spreken
Teken de petitie tegen fatsoensrakkers en moraalridders
op 22 11 2014 at 17:23 schreef Rhazes:
I am going to formulate a rule: Any social, political or economic view Thierry Baudet supports, is highly likely to be vile and reactionary.
See his rather disgusting defense of this (rightly widely condemned) sexist: http://cult.thepostonline.nl/2014/11/19/julien-blanc-heeft-volkomen-gelijk/