Gelukkig Nieuwjaar!
Karel Gabler
Mooier kan het bijna niet, amper is het nieuwe jaar aangebroken of er valt alweer te genieten van een nieuwe Gablerproductie: ‘Dag Nacht. Dag!’
Algemeen, 01.01.2007 @ 13:14
4 Reacties
op 02 01 2007 at 02:24 schreef CoJo:
Zelden zo’n origineel concept in de videokunst mogen aanschouwen. Je moet er maar op komen!
op 04 01 2007 at 23:14 schreef GJ Klaver:
Geheel en al off topic – maar evengoed een gelukkig nieuwjaar gewenst aan de FrontaalNaakters – ik las hier zo’n merkwaardig stukje:
Advisors Break Taboos For Foreign Minister
THE HAGUE, 05/01/07 – Under the slogan of Forbidden Speeches, the Netherlands Institute for International Relations (Clingendael) has written five piquant speeches for the next foreign minister.
"The Forbidden Speeches document contains five speeches that the Dutch foreign minister will not give for now. At least, we cannot imagine this. But these speeches are not therefore less useful, precisely because they step out beyond the margins of Dutch politics, and thereby the boundaries of possible and acceptable exploration," said Clingendael.
The authors have put themselves in the role of speech-writers for the as yet unknown new Dutch foreign minister. "We leave aside his or her political colour. What it is about is that the speeches each in theory tackle one or more holy cows, fixed values or safe havens that the foreign policy of our country has known in recent decades. The speeches contain radical, but well-supported proposals for a different policy and a different course."
The speeches are on political Islam (‘The blessings of the Caliphate’), a strong European army (‘The military emancipation of Europe’), the third world (‘Abolish development aid’), the EU exclusively as an economic union and political partnership in an Atlantic Union (‘The chosen alliance’) and an ambitious reform of the capitalist economy (‘For the Netherlands and the world’).
"Flexible and creative thinking on the role of the Netherlands and its foreign policy is necessary. This collection tries to provide this. (…) Perhaps it would be a good idea to check again in five years how impossible and unacceptable the forbidden speeches turn out to be."
op 05 01 2007 at 02:49 schreef Paardestaart:
Nog een leuk plaatje…God help’ons de brug over..
de democraten laten weten wat we kunnen verwachten nu zij het stokje gaan overnemen..:-)
op 05 01 2007 at 02:51 schreef Paardestaart:
Goeie genade Klaver – hoe kom je dáaraan?
Het is toch bij de spinnen af..we worden gewoon geregeerd door een blinde, ongekozen meute..